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2023 Manion Lecture: Canada’s Story – Census 2021 and the Data that Define Us
This event recording captures the keynote address from the 2023 Manion Lecture by Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, who explores, through the lens of data, the link between Canada's history and the digital future, and presents a clear portrait of Canada by the numbers.

2024 Manion Lecture: A Discussion on the Canadian Health Care Polycrisis, with Dr. Alika Lafontaine
This event recording features Dr. Alika Lafontaine, an award-winning physician and past president of the Canadian Medical Association, who discusses the changes taking place in the Canadian health care system and their impact on our social cohesion.

A Conversation with John Hannaford on Values and Ethics
This event recording features John Hannaford, Clerk of the Privy Council, and Christiane Fox, Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council, who discuss the critical role that public service managers play in upholding our shared code of values and ethics, and in fostering values and ethics at both the individual and team levels.

A Conversation with Natan Obed About the Inuit Nunangat Policy
This video presents a conversation with Natan Obed, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, about the key principles of the Inuit Nunangat Policy, the obligations of public servants, and how they can advance reconciliation by integrating these obligations into their daily work.

Amendments to the Public Service Employment Act: Overview for Hiring Managers
This event recording provides hiring managers with an overview of the amendments to the Public Service Employment Act, including new sub-delegated staffing authorities and the requirement to conduct an evaluation of assessment methods to identify and remove biases and barriers or mitigate their impacts, among other important changes.