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EXecuTALK: Unlocking Employee Engagement and Retention with the Performance Management Process
This event recording highlights key moments from the EXecuTALK: Unlocking Employee Engagement and Retention with the Performance Management Process event, which features a conversation with Joseph Silva, an executive faculty member at the Canada School of Public Service, on how to implement effective performance management strategies.

Exploring the Implications of Our Tribal Instincts to Contemporary Governance Challenges
This event recording features David R. Samson, Ph.D., who explores the ways in which we can leverage our instinctive drive to promote cooperation and solidarity as a way to increase human wellness while warding off the by-products of an us-versus-them mentality.

Finding Health Equity for First Nations Children
Everyone should have the opportunity to attain their full health potential. Avoidable, unfair or remediable differences in opportunity, whether they be social, economic, demographic or geographic, are a sign of an unacceptable inequity among groups of people.

Fireside Chat on Navigating Complexity, with John Hannaford
This video, recorded at the Policy Community Conference 2023, features John Hannaford, Clerk of the Privy Council, who shares his perspective on how the public service can navigate through complexity by focusing on values and ethics, adaptability, innovation and empathy.