Contributing to a Net-Zero Canada (CHC102)

Product code: CHC102

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3 hours



All public servants at all levels



Now available

Public-facing course: Contributing to a Net-Zero Canada

Note: To obtain a certificate of completion, please sign in, register, and complete the course on the School’s learning platform.

Canada has an ambitious yet achievable roadmap to reducing greenhouse gas emissions nationwide, joining over 120 countries in committing to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This online self-paced course introduces Canada's Net-Zero Challenge, while exploring how public servants are critical to supporting this whole-of-society transition. Participants will explore the science underpinning Canada's net-zero emissions target and expand their knowledge of the policies designed to achieve it.

Topics include:

  • explaining why climate mitigation matters for Canadians and the federal public service
  • identifying energy systems and sources of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions
  • exploring climate mitigation policy through examples of practical solutions for different sectors
  • examining the role of public servants in contributing to the Net-Zero Challenge


Applying Climate Literacy Foundations (CHC101) is a prerequisite for this course.

Learners are also invited to register for Adapting to a Changing Climate in Canada (CHC103) to learn more about the role of climate change adaptation in building a climate-resilient, net-zero Canada.

This course is delivered and maintained by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Date modified: 2024-06-21