Learning catalogue
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Supporting Indigenous Talent
This course for executives explores the barriers faced by Indigenous employees related to their recruitment, retention, well-being and career advancement within the federal public service.
Next session: March 11, 2025 | 1 more dates

Sustainable Strategies for Existing Federal Facilities
This online self-paced course presents strategies for creating and maintaining high-performance buildings, focusing on the fundamentals of improving the sustainability of federal facilities. Participants will learn about optimizing energy performance, protecting and conserving water, using environmentally preferable products and materials, and enhancing indoor environmental quality.

Symposium on the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service
This event recording of the first session of the Government of Canada Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2022 focuses on key areas to accelerate efforts, multiply promising practices and strengthen our commitment to the Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the public service.

Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress
This online self-paced course examines the physiological, behavioural and psychological signs, symptoms and sources of stress and outlines different strategies and techniques for managing stress and burnout. Participants will explore relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation, including how to use these techniques to thrive during stress-inducing situations.

Taking Final Steps to Bring a Project to Its Close
This online self-paced course offers insights for controlling project schedules, costs and closeout, including how to determine when it's time to cancel a project. Participants will learn best practices for correcting schedule variances, and how to bring a healthy project to a successful close.

Taking Steps Towards Indigenous Reconciliation
This online self-paced course supports the government's commitment to the value and outcomes of reconciliation by exploring in depth the four themes featured throughout the Indigenous Learning Series: recognition, respect, relationships, and reconciliation. By learning more about Indigenous realities, participants will be better equipped to support their departmental obligations towards reconciliation in a respectful, inclusive, meaningful and culturally sensitive manner.

Taking Stock of Your Work/Life Balance
This online self-paced course highlights techniques for assessing balance between work and personal responsibilities, and identifies common obstacles to achieving the right balance. Participants will learn how to recognize where they are, in relation to where they want to be, as a first step in constructing a roadmap to a more balanced lifestyle.

Talent Management: Building the Future of the Public Service
This event recording of the second session of the Government of Canada Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2022 provides concrete examples of ways to improve diversity at all levels of the public service, including the development of meaningful performance management agreements, learning opportunities to combat unconscious bias, and the promotion of resources to foster personal growth, such as mentorship programs and sponsorship initiatives.